Honestly the title of this thread alone is a fascinating topic, and it's probably the main reason why I'm following Terry's story right now. I feel a little out of the loop since I didn't read the prequel; in some sense I want to know what Superman was thinking when he committed his crime, what were the circumstances leading up to it. To me, Superman can do wrong, but it needs to be explained so that it's believable, just because he's held at such as such an icon of truth and justice yadda yadda. I can never find time to get into the comics, but for me, Superman has a pretty ok track record.

But there are several other writers for me that have accomplished the whole Superman doing wrong, or almost crossing the line or doing something...not OOC per se, I don't know, but anyway I don't know if Superman committed as serious of a crime as he did in Terry's story...I'll have to think about that.

For the time being, I'm just along for the ride. I'm shocked that I don't have an overall opinion right now for this story, or any clue where it might head, or even any clue where I want it to head. I mean, I have an opinion on everything from door knockers to the ridiculous mustard on my sandwich. But for now I really just want to see where Terry charts the fanfic boat. And I really want to scrape this mustard off my sandwich.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy