Oy. Mary, you just had to go pointing out my early work, didn't you? Well, guys, I'm not linking to this one. I will, however, admit that it's "Superman Vs. The Pragmatist," by me, and that it was just one of those things that seemed funny at the time...

But, if you want to see an oldie-but-goodie (if you don't mind reading something that clearly predates the GE system), how about this:

So what did I learn from this adventure? Never max
out your dad's Amex, the Bridge City yell is an effective
mugger repellent, men with superpowers have a lot of
responsibilities so don't try to occupy their time with suicide
attempts, that the King is *still alive* at least in Mr. White's
mind, that people are more than what they seem and finally that
true love comes in different shapes, colors and fabrics and all
one has to do is stand still enough to notice it.

I know you're wondering if I totally gave up my
infatuation on Superman. The answer, no, *gosh* even Lois
carries a picture of him in her wallet . . . *Hey*, I wonder if
Clark knows??
I thought of it when trying to remember the first fic I ever read. Still haven't managed to come up with an answer, but I do rememeber when this one hit the original ficlist. That enough hints? Good luck! smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.