Oh! That's Kathy Brown's Now, Hold On A Minute Here!

Try this;

"Oh. Well, anyway," Loispunzel drew herself up to her full
height (which was considerably taller by the way than
Lex's, even without the addition of several cut- throat
mercenaries) and eyed him imperiously. "You should take it
as read, good sir, that various and sundry unpleasant
things shall happen to you henceforth and futurewith should
you continue with this evil plot against the royal persons
of myself and my father. Furthermore - "

"Can we just take it as read?" Lex interrupted. "This goes
on for another four pages if I recall correctly, doesn't

"Five, I think," admitted Loispunzel. "Mr Crispin added
half a page because he disagreed with clause five too." She
looked at him primly. "It's very bad manners, of course,
not to threaten and bluster fruitlessly in full. You do
realize that? But..." she sighed. "Okay. So..." She thought
for a moment, re-orientating. "Desist at once, you won't
get away with this, foul beast...various
insults...blah...blah...oh!" She brightened and waved an
dictatorial hand at him. "Now *you* say, 'You *will* be
mine, princess, so you'd better get used to it. Oh, and
laugh evilly."

"I thought the evil laugh was optional?"

"Nope. Made it mandatory last summer. After that incident
with those two kids and that cottage made of gingerbread.
Remember? That witch was given five years for cackling
Sara smile

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black