Hey, welcome, Incognito! Good to have you here. thumbsup

The others have given you some great recommendations - yes, start with the Kerths, yes, the stories listed are well worth reading. smile (By the way, Anna, I believe someone has done or is doing a trailer for TTW/ABA - though more than one is no bad thing! wink ).

You could always track authors, too, Incognita. Sheila Harper specialises in S3/4 and beyond fic and most of her stories don't include children. Nan Smith and Jenni Debbage also write a lot of post-S4 fic, though in their stories in that category Lois and Clark have children. If you read nfic, try Kathy Brown's Winners.

Yvonne Connell also writes mostly post-S3 fic and only one of her stories involves children. wink Most of hers involve the alt-world, but not all. I especially recommend Purity, Addicted and Damaged.

Then, if you'll broaden your horizons, wink there are many more great authors to check out, besides those already mentioned. Shayne Terry. AnnieM (especially the Playing series). Carol Malo. Chris Carr. Irene Dutch. Tank Wilson. Kaethel. Aria. ML Thompson. Chris Mulder (don't miss Love Beyond All Measure and Dimensions of Loving! Both are late S2 stories). Pam Jernigan. Erin Klingler (who is also a published novelist notworthy ). Meredith Knight. Mobile Richard. Hazel. Demi. And I'm sure many more that I'm blanking on right now - I'll be back to edit this post to add more, I'm sure.

Oh, and Laura: thank you. blush

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*