Welcome to the boards, Incognito! It's always great to have another FoLC among us. This is a great fandom with tons of really nice people and wonderful writers, so I think you're going to like it here. laugh

It's hard to know where to begin when recommending fanfic because there are so many good stories out there, but I'll give it a try. smile

When Friends Become Lovers and When Lovers Become More are set in s2, but they're realationship stories so they sort of have a s3 vibe to them. There's a trailer for When Friends Become Lovers here .

In Dreams by Kaylle is probably my favorite story ever. It's an Alt-Clark story so I'm not sure what season it would be considered. Probably s4. There's a trailer here if you want to take a look. (I made that one. laugh )

And the mother of all long, angsty stories would be Masques by LabRat, which is a rewrite of the non-wedding arc in s3. It's also one of my favorites, and it was the original trailer here .

Another set of stories I just read was CC Aiken's Through the Window , and And Back Again . Both are wonderful stories set around s3 that deal with both our Lois and Clark, and the Alt-Lois and Clark. As far as I know there's no trailer, but... *ponders*... maybe there should be. Oh sheesh I may have just given myself another project to work on. (No promises, guys!! Not when I've got Sara and Rachel hounding me about two different vids. Daring me, even. *G*)

All of those stories are available on the archive, but the first three also have versions on the nfic archive at annesplace.net .

Like Karen said, the Kerth nominees and winners are always a good place to start too. thumbsup
