Wow, thank you all! To answer questions:
1. A plot in Holiday/Special Occasion. To me, there is an A plot by definition because it involves a specific Holiday. The author must say enough to let us know it is Valentine's Day, Christmas, or Groundhog Day. It may have mostly Waffy feelings, but the plot has to involve some detail of the Holiday. Getting presents for Valentine's Day, buying a tree at Christmas. That's enough for me to call it an A-plot, and yeah, it's just a little bit of one. So call it the tiny motor that propels the story forward. And I understand I differ from some on my interpretation of an A-plot here.
2. How did I do this? On Powerpoint, my favorite graphics program. It's part of Microsoft Office for Windows and I use it a lot. The little circles are one of the "Autoshapes". I create the masters on top and then duplicate them throughout. Then there's tricks on lining stuff up, etc. I print it, then scan it and post it to folcsite. I did Nan's Superman's geneology for her Home stories the same way.
I'll add the all B-plot symbol for Best Drama.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis