Maybe we can go about this by process of elimination?<g>

I'm not on the committee. Paul, you aren't. So, that's two down.

I read through Paul's post- much of which was unknown to me before now- and I can see how he reached his conclusions. But LauraBF said very early in the thread- had to go back and fish it out:
I'm not involved in this, but it does look like a worthwhile endeavor. I don't really have time for fanfiction awards and contests.
Could she really say that and still be on secret committee? That would throw a big, fat shadow of doubt over MCom, so I tend to think it's very unlikely. Why work so hard on something and then sabotage it with dishonesty? That was information she didn't need to volunteer, yet she did.

I don't have any problem with there being a group of people who advocate a second set of awards. Especially if they were unhappy in the past. Why not? And the Merriweathers look vastly different from the Kerths, so it isn't as if they are competing.

Now, if there was a reason for the secrecy beyond what we've been told- and which I do still have trouble with without factoring in any other possibilites- I would find that worrisome and discouraging.

Too, MCom has obviously worked hard. And since this has become a sticking point and risks unraveling what they've set up, I'd love for them to identify themselves and shut down the speculation. This is something they are obviously proud to support, so why not-at the risk of sounding like at broken record- on a show of faith, tell us who they are?

And while I'm here and stepping in it, I haven't been able to think of a polite way to come right out and ask this without sounding unwelcoming:

Who are you, KatrinaLee??! On your very first post ever, you had an entire website (very detailed, very well done) and a carefully thought out award system. That seems so very, very energetic and ambitious for someone I assume has been a lurker up to now. And I'm not implying anything underhanded, by any means. I just have a burning curiosity. My first post, in contrast, was a tentative 'Hi.'

I'll close this ramble by adding that in the year and 1/2 I've been here, I've never seen anything truly ugly and unkind spring up among us. We have our differences of opinions, of course. How could we not? (Some of you are tragically misinformed on your politics, for example.) But we get along really well. This place is pure fun and escape for me. I'm grateful for it. And don't want any newbies to run for the exits. It has been my experience that this group is too nice to flame each other, even on points of controversy.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
