Hey, this one looks kind of familiar. It's Finding Clark Kent , by, well, me. And a bunch of you. <g>

New one, then? Okay... how about this?

Jerome danced back a few paces, giving himself room and
then swung out with all he had.

The iron thudded into Alexander's upper chest with a dull
thump, rocking him back. He staggered, pain filling his
eyes - Loisetta flinched, having heard the unmistakable
sound of bone breaking - and then his hands clutched at his
chest. He moaned and fell back another few paces. Loisetta
saw the open space gape suddenly behind her husband and the
inevitable reached out to grasp them all like a black hand.
To her surprise, even then, she cried out behind the gag. A
wordless plea that went unanswered.

Alexander stumbled backwards and then his face changed.
Pain, surprise, anger and bewilderment all flashing into
shock as he realized there was only empty air at his back.
His arms pinwheeled frantically, his eyes locked on hers
for an instant - an instant that lasted a lifetime - and
incredibly she found love there. Insane, twisted love, but
love nonetheless. Then his gaze broke away, shifted to
Jerome. What was in his eyes became pleading. But there was
no time. Jerome's hasty move for him was in vain. Alexander
vanished with a shrill cry as he tumbled down the steep

Then there was silence. A moment of stillness. It was
broken only by the rough, labored breathing of Jerome as he
stood staring at the empty space where but a moment
previously his enemy and nemesis had stood. Slowly with the
vague motions of a sleepwalker, as though he moved through
a dream, Loisetta watched him cross slowly to stand at the
top of the stairs. For a moment that stretched into
eternity he looked down into the hall below. The iron in
his hand fell to the floor with a clatter and there was
grief in his eyes Loisetta saw as he turned blindly for

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.