Oh, yeah, truly a delicious irony! Georgia Walden's Nemesis . Great story!

Here's another! goofy

Lex took another step back, lost his balance, and toppled from the tenth-story window.

Directly below, a computer-controlled truck pulling a tank of live piranhas was slowly driving along. Lex landed in the tank with a huge splash! The sudden addition to the load's weight, of course, caused the truck to lose its balance, and before the automatic driver could compensate for the changes, the truck turned over and burst into flames. The tank, naturally, also tipped over, spilling gallons of water, fish, and a half-eaten Lex.

Coincidentally, at a nearby construction site, the driver of a steamroller passed out. The steamroller went out of control and rolled out onto the main road, where it flattened Luthor's remains.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*