Beta-reading? Yikes... this is kind of a grey area for me, as my very first experience with BRing makes me go blush goofy is because a certain little bird goes into a bit of a tail-spin midflight when I do things like that, and I want to see all of these fab fics sooner rather than later... rest assured, I'll beat them all out of her and onto the boards eventually. Hear that, Pel?!? wildguy wildguy wildguy And I'm currently looking over Paul's story, which is just utterly fantastic and which I'm enjoying immensly, and;

I was thrilled when Sara (Farnegal) volunteered to read for me. I'm just sorry I haven't had anything to send her since then. I've been tired and haven't written anything in weeks. Hopefully, I'll get back to writing soon-ish, and hopefully Sara won't be too busy or something by then. We'll see.
Awwww... normally in a situation like this I'd nag til my throat went raw [just ask Pel <g>] for new parts... but I fully understand having-no-time, Paul. Whenever you're ready, I'm right here - and no, I won't be too busy smile

And... okay, really should be sleeping. Anyway, this was my two cents' worth... hope I haven't irritated people by being a day or two or a dozen late in replying to this thread...

Sara smile

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black