Food cravings: I did the pickles and ice cream thing one night, but that was actually because I was looking for something I couldn't figure out and that came the closest to the taste I was looking for. Mostly it was strawberry milkshakes, clam chowder and BLTs with lots of pickles and tomatoes. And there was the time I headed out to the local Baskin-Robbins for a banana split at eleven pm.

Sciatica: I only had that with the twins. The others caused low back pain in the last month but nothing else much.

Fainting: never. Never even tempted to faint. (lots of low-grade nausea, but I only actually threw up about four or five times with the entire six pregnancies and never fainted)

Emotions ... well, my hubby always called those times "The nine-month nutsies". You figure it out.

Lots of fatigue the first three months, then tons of energy and the libido kicked into overdrive. blush Then more fatigue the last couple of months until I'd get that energy burst. My hubby would come home and find me cleaning cupboards and say he was going to put the suitcase in the car just in case.

And as for the actual event, my first kid took me 4 1/4 hours flat from start to finish. Except for the fourth kid, he took the longest. The second one took 1 hour and 56 minutes. We almost didn't make it to the hospital with the 3rd because there was a football game going on and he wasn't wasting any time either. My 4th took 8 hours, but I attribute that to the fact that she's always been my problem child laugh She was a handfull from the start and was the one who went into the Marines just to prove that she was tougher than everybody else. Thank God they finally managed to teach her some discipline ...


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.