Besides feeling like Mrs. Pillsbury Doughboy, one does get food cravings, and I don't really know if there is any consistency to them. With my first, I craved spaghetti with tomato sauce. With my second , it was Oreos with milk and pepperoncini (not at the same time), and with my third, it was anything edible.

One of the best symptoms of pregnancy is those little flutterings that you feel in your stomach and the thrill of realizing that they are caused by the baby moving. And how exciting it is later when you watch your stomach and actually see him/her commit a technical foul by kicking or throwing an elbow.And I think a pretty common one is the burst of energy as you get close to the end of term. I know I was rushing around getting everything ready, clothes washed, diapers stacked etc... By the time my third came along (mine were an average of 21 months apart), it was routine, and the enrgy went into chasing the two already born. And the energy level just goes down from there. We were originally going to have four, but I called a halt after # three. I don't know how Erin does it.

smile Jude


"Simplify. Simplify."
Henry David Thoreau

"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle."
George Orwell