LOL! It's fun seeing the different attitudes to car sizes from both sides of the Atlantic. I'm pretty certain my friend and I rented a Geo on a US fly-drive trip a few yeras back and found it completely satisfactory. Seem to remember we christened it Supermouse, in fact laugh . Conversely, the worst car I ever had in the States was also the biggest. I can't remember the model, but it had absolutely no guts - you'd put your foot down, and around 10 minutes later you might be cruising at 50 if you were lucky <g>. That was back in around '86, of course, when I think there was a 50 mile-an-hour limit on a lot of US freeways. These days, we tend to rent sub-compacts or compacts and happily drive around the countryside and cities in complete comfort. I've also noticed recently that US rental agencies have stopped trying to persuade us Brits that we've booked an awfully small car and wouldn't we like to upgrade. I guess they got bored of hearing the same answer again and again <g>.
