I know these aren't foriegn cars -- they are American cars -- but horrible -- small and very bad.

The Plymouth Horizen -- it's a car from the '80's, a hatch back 4-seater, but my mom had it when we were kids, and we couldn't really all fit in the back seat.

And the Plymouth Reliant K -- my dad had this in the '90's. I think it was the updated version of the horizen.

My parents have this strange loyalty to Plymouth!

I don't know if Nissan is a big brand in the US. I don't see many of them around on the roads, and i only know of one dealership. I always thought Acura was a luxury car, but I might be wrong. The major cars I see on the road are Toyota, Honda, and Volkswagon.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Mary -- definitely Geo. Those are just about the worst cars ever made! The Geo Metro really might fit your purpose, Chris.

- Laura (a proud Toyota driver smile )

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve