Well, I can do 2 out of 3:

1 - Exchange from Ordinary People. Lois tells Clark the fruit basket he just crushed was a promotion from a resort that Perry wants them to go to.
L - I told him I'm too busy.
C - Yeah, well work would be a lot safer than spending an uninterrupted weekend with me.
L - Hold it, hold it. I'm not the one leaping off tall buildings at every distant SOS.
C - Wait. Wait. What are you saying?
L - I'm saying I don't think you could let the world get by on its own for 2 whole days.
C - Oh, and you'd rather write about other people's lives because it's less dangerous than living one of your own.
Clark gets "the look".
L - Someone want you?
C - No. (pause) Yes.
L - Go.
C - You know, I could do it, if you could.
L - Wanna bet?
C - Bet.

2 - Sorry. I know nothing about cars.

3 - Rocky Cove. (Clark's dad says he saw 2 stange men, and that they were headed up towards Rocky Cove, on foot. That's were Lois and Clark go to find Wells and Tempus, with baby Clark.)

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster