Okay, I know it's monday and this thread has only been up for about a day, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm being ignored. Did I scare everyone off with the description of my story?

I wouldn't say it's "atrocious"; in fact, I think the premise is really cool. I just need someone to look it over and

1. Help me use better words and phrasing wherever possible

2. Check for charictarization(sp?)

3. Help me think of an ending. (I have a very vague idea of the ending; I just need help. I'm mean, it's obvious that he's going to--- and then, naturally, they'd--- but the question is how do they---? And what do they do about---?)

There's only one instance of language; it's very mild, and I'm thinking of ommiting it. There's nothing graphic in it, either. It's only PG.
It isn't all that long, either! Readable in one sitting. (of course, it does lack an ending)

So could someone please give me a hand?

If no one responds to this thread by the end of a week (i.e. end of next monday) I'm going to post it anyway. Trust me, that is a threat.
