I don't believe in making new year's resolutions for the very simple reason that it is very depressing when I don't keep them! However, I do have good intentions...

I'm not going to nag or plead with any authors. Instead, I'm going to nag or plead with myself. No, I'm not going to tell myself that I need to write. Rather I'm going to tell myself that I need to read! There is so much on the archive that I haven't even looked at that I feel I'm drowning in unread fic.

In fact... authors, please don't write anything new for at least ten years. That way I might stand a chance of catching up. wink <ducks at all the rotten tomatoes that are undoubtedly sailing my way now! laugh >

Thanks, Elena -- yours is a lone voice crying in the wilderness -- for saying that you want more from me. No promises, mind.
