Are you thinking about Dorchester's Candleglow imprint?
I don’t think so but it could be. Hasn’t Candleglow been around for a while? My first impulse was to say it was the Luna new imprint I was thinking of but I do think that’s more paranormal in nature than what I remember the discussion being about. The Luna stories may be Gothic in mood and tone, yes, with everything from werewolves and vampires to psychic stuff, but I could almost swear I remember someone on one of the romance lists I’m on mentioning a new publisher line that was going to be more Gothic-type romances with some of those old style mystery sub-plots and with more modern sensibilities. If I can find the list of titles I made note of I’ll see if I can also find out what lines they’re in.

I'm part of a brainstorming group and one criticism that some of the writers had heard from editors or contest judges was that their H/h didn't meet soon enough. The sooner they meet, the more time you have to explore and develop the relationship, have the black moment that drives them apart, and bring them back together for that happy ending.
Ah, yes, the semi-mythical 50 page limit. OTOH, it’s still amazing just how sensitive one can become to the timing feeling “wrong” after reading so many romances and editors are sensitive to that whether they judge it literally by page counts or not. It’s probably more that experienced readers simply know when the pair should’ve already met for that particular story and start getting impatient when it doesn’t happen - more a matter of rhythm and pace than page count. If those are off, they’re just off no matter how many pages into the story it is.

Beverly :-)

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"