I think I'd like to disagree with Wendy. <g>

Well, I agree with her in principle and in general - but I think the writer should get to have some fun too and if you make sure to tell your readers up front that you're only posting a two part segment because you don't really want to miss out on the fun of a particularly good cliffhanger, I think they might forgive you - just this once.

I'd definitely not recommend it as a general rule though - I do agree that a story split into many segments when it clearly has no need to be can be very irksome to read. I certainly have found that in the past myself too.

And, yes, it was a good lesson I learned when posting Masques. (Think it was Paul who mentioned this, but no time to double check - sorry!) I'd been advised that 5 pages was the average post and started out that way. But it just didn't suit the pacing of the story at all and simply ended up frustrating both myself and the readers as to how slowly each post moved things along. I switched to 10-15 pages per post and that worked very much better. So you do have to take the story into account with such things, I think, along with any other considerations.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers