oh, okay. well, since it seems like the issue is settled, i guess i'll take this opportunity to hijack the thread. wink

i've got the opposite problem.

my latest fic is 20k. it's currently being BRed, but i'm not planning to post until jan, seeing as how i'm not the only one desperately behind in my reading.

in any case, i've got a bit of a dilemma. i've asked my BR, but i thought i'd take this opportunity to ask for a general opinion. here's the problem:

20k is short enough for one post, but i don't want to post the whole thing at once.

the fic itself is 8 pages long in courrier 10.

there's a break i'd really like to torture the readers with 2 pages in. [Linked Image]

3 pages in, there's a time jump and a POV shift. it's the most natural break. i almost have to use it.

there's a possible break 5 pages in, but i'm tending to leave it alone.

6.5 pages in, there's another, somewhat better possible break.

looking just at the story, i'd use the first 2 and post in 3 parts. if i did that tho, i'd be posting 2 pages then 1 page then 5 pages, which seems weird and unbalanced.

going for balance, i'd use all the breaks, and end up posting 5 parts, each about 1.5 pages long (give or take). that seems rediculous.

i'm kinda leaning towards 4 parts, using the first, second, and fourth breaks. that'd mean part 1 would be 2 pages, part 2 would be 1 page, part 3 would be 3.5 pages, and part 4 would be 1.5 pages. it works well with the flow of the story, i think, and even though part 3 would be twice as big as average, they're all short enough that i think it'd be okay.

not sure, tho. i mean 4 parts for 20k seems silly. i could post daily, or maybe every other day.

so, assuming my BR doesn't tell me i have to do some major rewriting, those are my options.

oh, and i'll be posting to the ficlist, too, since i made my original help request there. that's a consideration since i don't want to flood people's inboxes with huge messages. (not that a few k would be, but 20 may be pushing it)

so, mostly i'll be going by my own thoughts and my BR's suggestions (since she actually has the story and understands the flow and stuff), but i'd appreciate any general thoughts.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.