I know it has nothing to do with the subject, but according to the Chinese horoscope, Clark's sign is (Fire) Horse.

Element: Fire  Heading: South  Color: Flame Orange  Yin/Yang: more Yang  Chinese Name: MA  Meaning: Elegance  Sign Order: Seventh  Season: Summer  Favorable Month: June  Counterpart:Gemini  Friend: Tiger, Dog  Foe: Rat
The funny thing being that Horse's counterpart sign is Gemini, a dual personna sign...just like Clark/ Superman.

Okay, back to the subject...sort of, there are more than 3000 dialects in China and most of them are really far from the Mandarin, which usually is the chinese dialect taught in chinese language courses...and the most spread one in China (with 387 million speakers).

Mandarin is part of Northern China's dialects, then comes: Jiangsu-Zhejiang (46 millions speakers), Hunan (26 millions), Jiangsi (13millions), Hakka (20 millions), Northern Min (7millions), Southern Min (15 millions) and Cantonese (27millions)...these are approximative figures.

In Oriental art. Dragons represent celestial and terrestrial power, wisdom and strength.

If you want your fic to take place during Chinese New Years festivities: the dragon in traditional Chinese New Year's Day parades is believed to repel evil spirits that could spoil the new year...The five-clawed dragon stands as the Chinese Imperial emblem, the four-clawed being the common dragon and three claws dragons are the one you found in japanese Mythology (at least that's what I've been told during my first trip to Asia). I know a lot of emperors (yellow) dresses show embroideries of a dragon, also seen as the most powerful protection sign...it symbolize the emperor whose wisdom and divine power assured the well-being of his subjects.

In Chinese mythology there are Nine Major types of dragon. Lung er...'Horned Dragon', is the most powerful and generalized type of Chinese dragon, which can produce rain and is totally deaf... So long for the Superhearing laugh

And Roo, you're right about the shape shifting power: chinese dragons of myth could make themselves as large as the universe or as small as a silkworm...

Carole smile1 (sorry for the long reply)