Hi, I'm not old enough to be a parent, but my family's waiting to get the call to go to Russia and get my new sister. My other sister was adopted from russia and one of my brothers is from bulgaria. I'd say fear of delays and concern if your kid is okay in the other country are some of the strongest emotions we're feeling. My brother's adoption was delayed so thats real to us,not just a vague possibility. But we're also elated, we've bought lots of stuff already, her bed's set up. Our pediatritian looked through her records, there's alot of iffy stuff to worry about. Because my parents have been through this before they're not as concerned about the trip to russia, but they've disscussed so many issues around me that I think someone adopting for the first time fron another country would be overwhelmed by the details of the trip. I still remember my mother telling me someone had stolen her wallet while she was in a store, luckily for her, the person translating for her raced after the theif, who dropped the wallet on the ground and ran. We think she dropped it so that even if they had caught her they had no proof she had done it. This post has gotten a little odd, and I seem to be telling you more about the middle of the adoption process so i'll just stop now blush :rolleyes:O oh, I forgot, we got a videotape of kayla as while as a picture, another parent had taped kids at the orphanage when they got their kid. having a video made us feel like we had met her, we saw her play. I think that caused stronger emotions faster than a picture could, but, I'm not sure.