/me rushes into the channel and hugs everyone in sight. Yay - I finally got my connection back! razz

Thanks for all the help in answering my questions - and for the encouragement too. smile The Muse insisted I get out of bed at 7am yesterday to jot down her ideas and by the time it got to 9am I had 16 pages written. <g> I think she's keen. goofy Of course, this being me, I've ended up with several massive plot holes/contradictions in there, so I need to sort them out before the entire thing crashes and burns. Kae - break out that brainstorming channel! <g>

Pam, thanks for reminding me that I need to take note of when this story is set (S1). That's something I always forget to take into account when looking for this kind of data. And thanks for offering to delve deeper on the weather info - appreciated. But it's just needed for a throwaway line: "X says the weather dropped below freezing last night..." so what's on this thread is ample for the purpose, thanks! I'm bookmarking those links though, thanks - very handy for future reference.

Thanks to everyone for your comedian suggestions. I think from this Jerry Lewis or Bill Murray would fit the bill admirably. Or now I'm thinking of Chevvy Chase, now that you've put the SNL connection into my head. wink

Thanks again for the help, everyone - you guys are the best!

LabRat smile (off to catch up with what else has been happening while she's been off in limbo land....)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers