There has been a few times where I've read something on the Archive and I've noticed typos or a continuity error. (I recently read a story and noticed L&C were talking about a person and using her real name, however they didn't find it out til later on in the story.) So what do you do if you see something like that on an Archived story? I wouldn't be as reluctant to point it out on the mb, but with the Archive I don't know how easy it would be to fix it, or even if the author would want to, if it meant a lot of hassle. I never said anything to the author, but just wondering if it would be stepping over the line.
It is a bit more work to fix stories on the archive, but not too bad. Lauren will make little changes for you (she's updated my email address), or you can send her a new, edited text file.
Just to clarify this one. Yes, the Archive will replace a file now and then. It's a bit more work for Lauren, so we wouldn't like to see it happening en masse or too frequently <g>, but if an author is desperate to correct something we'll certainly do that for them.

But I must point out that the Archive will only accept a replacement file or edit from the author of the story. Not from anyone else who has happened to notice an error in the file. wink

Archive GEs, of course, specifically don't comment on plot or characterisation. It's not in their remit. They are really only there to provide a last minute 'final polish' to submissions, picking up the odd typo and punctuation and grammar error that the author and/or beta reader have missed. Of course, they often end up picking up a lot more errors than they really should have to and we do ask all authors to try and ensure that their punctuation, grammar and typo errors have been eliminated to the very best of their ability before they submit a story to the Archive. We like to make life as easy for our volunteer GEs as we can possibly get and do appreciate the co-operation there. smile

It is true to say that authors run the range from those who want every last period and comma to be right and those who really don't care at all how the story is presented - though I still believe that the former is more prevalent in this fandom than the latter. So you'll pretty much take pot luck if you mail an author to let them know about something you've spotted out of place in their story as uploaded to the Archive. It may be the case, for instance, that their GE has already pointed out the error, but that the author has insisted it stay. In which case they certainly won't be receptive to getting an email about it. Other authors will immediately scream and run to the EIC wanting the story replaced ASAP. <g>

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers