Joining in with a "me too." I'd much rather know if there is a typo (or many typos) in my story. I have no problem with people pointing them out, as long as it's polite, though I do admit that it's always nicer when the nuts and bolts stuff is softened by comments about the actual story. It can be a little frustrating when it seems the only thing people notice are typos. However, even that makes a good point. Typos are extremely distracting. I'd rather have someone point it out early, even if it irritates me a tiny bit at the time, than to let it sit there for ages distracting people who aren't speaking up. As for the public/private debate, I tend to point those things out privately when I do, unless I know the person and I know they'll find the typo funny. I know I've had a number of freudian typos that have slipped through up until the posting stage, and both I and my BRs find it hysterical when someone else points out one of those.

My two cents worth,

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen