Originally posted by ColleenMA:
95. What if Baby/Toddler Zara had been sent to Earth along with Baby Kal-El? (I've seen Kal-El goes with the New Kryptonians, but not this direction!)
They wouldn't know about the arranged marriage until they found the globe. They would probably have assumed they were brother and sister and would think of each other that way. Even kids who know they aren't related tend to exclude people they grow up with from romantic feelings. This caused problems with arranged marriages where two royal houses arranged it when the kids were very young and had the bride live with the grooms family. When they became old enough they would marry and even care for each other but not have sex and kids. If they grew up with the Kents I can't imagine the caring about the arrangement anyway.

95a) The New Kryptonians come looking for both of them.