I'm just re-posting all to update the numbering.

1) What if Deter had (somehow) found out that Clark was Superman? What then?

2. What if Trask hadn't been killed?

3. What if Clark hadn't retracted his declaration of love after Lois' almost wedding?

4. What if Lois hadn't said "no" to Luthor?

5. What if the Superman and Lois photo in SLV hadn't been faked/the original film not destroyed?

6. What if Mayson had lived after finding out Clark's secret during the car bombing?

7. What if the pheromone spray hadn't worn off Lois when Clark finally broke down and told her that if she wanted him, he was hers?

8. What if Lex hadn't died after finding out Clark's secret?

9) What if Luthor had succeeded in transferring his and Lois's souls to the other bodies?

10) What if they had ACTUALLY been married instead of the clones? Would they have had to deal with the curse?

11) What if Clark had known about the spacecraft the whole first season. Would the globe have attuned to him sooner?

12) What if Clark didn't get his powers back in time to save his parents in GGGoH?

13)What if when Lois caught her first glimpse of Superman in the transport module she recognized that it was Clark?

14) What if in All Shook Up when Lois said to Clark, "I mean I love you" she hadn't added to the statement "...like a brother." ?

15. What if after removing Arianna Carlin's bullet, Superman didn't recover right away, and Dr. Carlin and Lois's lookalike got away?

16. What if Martha's hologram didn't work during Clark's press conference in Top Copy?

17(a). What if Lois instead of Clark was shot at TOGOM club?
17(b). What if Clark had been exposed to Kryptonite by a pendant that Bonnie wore, before being shot?

18. What if Clark had flown Lois off Spencer Spencer's island revealing himself as SM to the LFI publisher?

19. What if Jesse had never lost his powers? /COtOC/

20. What if Clark remained Mighty Mouse size after IASWAA? Would Zara still want to take him back to Krypton? [Peep]

21. What if Lois really HAD been kidnapped by aliens in Contact?

21a. What if Lois had been kidnapped by Zara and Ching? What about by Nor and his cronies?

17(c). What if Clark had NOT fallen asleep in the jeep at the end of TOGOM? And what is with that?--He doesn't NEED to sleep (technically) [Dizzy] ....and, of course, it's right as Lois has a little reality check about them. Argh.

22. Speaking of inappropriate nap times...what if Lois had not fallen asleep in the scene when she is at Clark's apt in The Prankster? They had just had a 'moment' when she said she didn't want to die...what would have played out in their relationship if she hadn't VERY quickly decided on a nap?

23. What if Clark HAD pretended that he and Lois were having a moment of passion in the closet in IGACOY [Embarrassed] ? I wonder if attraction/feelings would have come to the surface a little sooner...

24. What if Lois had decided to stay with Clark at the end of Fly Hard, instead of leaving for the hospital with Lex? Would that have taken some of the steam out of whatever Lex was building in their 'relationship' to hold off a bit on the proposal in the next episode, BATP?

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)