I guess I was thinking Clark going and asking his mom to sew up his Super-suits, was still him depending on his parents, and Lois might want more focus on her.

However on the other hand, he depends on his mother maybe more because he can't just go and ask anyone to do it, so maybe that would not play into her mind.

OK, maybe it also helps that DTOSMC starts off with the "I Love Lois" (well, it has to be that, it does have Lois) scene, and that is something I can see being done there. Still, I think Lois does have this "I can do anything" vibe some of the time, so I can see her trying to make a suit, even if she is not that good. I can also see her starting it, getting a hot tip on a story, and leaving it out in the living room, where it will be when Jimmy comes to visit and asks "why are you making a Superman suit, Lois."

Or ever worse, it is sitting there for the paparatzi to photo in "Sex, Lies, and Videotapes".

Dirt Digger Headline "Lois puts on, as well as takes off, Superman's suits."

John Pack Lambert