After having recently watched "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape" I was thinking about how Clark goes to Smallville to get his mom to redo his uniforms after the helicopter sent to kill him destroys them.

This brought up to questions. Well three. 1-if Clark has all these super abilities, why can't he sew his own super suits?

However mainly:
2-Can Lois sew?
3-When will he ask Lois to sew his Super suits?

I guess she does put together something for alt-Clark, so maybe she can sew. Hmm.

However I am guessing she is not as good at it as Martha. Still, after they get married, I can see her wanting to be the one who sews his suits, sort of like how she insists on making dinner, even though she does poorly at it.

So I was thinking it would be fun to have a story where Lois tries to fix up Clark's super suits, and see what she actually does with them and how he reacts.

John Pack Lambert