Suppose that in the L&C 'Verse, some articles appeared in "US" , & "People" magazines linking Superman and Lois Lane.

A couple of Kidnappers grab Lois to use against Superman.

Clark decides to publicly distance Superman from Lois Lane by talking to the press all around the world.

And Clark makes sure that it is noticeable that most if not all of his regular press contacts in dozens of cities around the globe besides being competent and well respected as reporters are

  • Female
  • Under 30
  • unmarried
  • sexy

How would this effect Lois? Her crush on the superhero? Events in the first and second season?

Suppose that instead of kissing Lois Lane goodbye as he set out to stop the Nightfall asteroid he kissed Polly Perkins or Vicki Vale ?

(Polly Perkins, played by Gwyneth Paltrow, is a New York City newspaper reporter for "The Chronicle" in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow )

(Vicki Vale, played by Kim Basinger, was a prize-winning photo journalist who attempted to uncover the secret of the Batman in the 1989 movie.)

You could even go one step more and have Superman avoid Lois Lane completely.

This is based on an idea from Superman Returns fanfic that I can not recall the name of.

In the fic it was Lois Lane's idea to protect her son by making her well known relationship with Superman fade into the background.

Last edited by Framework4; 12/07/20 06:13 AM.
