I'm not familiar with the Home series beyond knowing that it is epic in length and that it is highly regarded. I hope to read it someday, but I have a lot of shorter reading that I wish to do first.

I can't say I blame you, Marcus; I myself wouldn't particularly care to read the story I am proposing, either -- As I mentioned, despite having used reincarnation as a plot device in one of my stories, I am generally uncomfortable with the whole concept. And the topic I brought up in this thread is one of the reasons I am uncomfortable with it. (There are theological reasons as well, but the fanfic MB isn't the place to discuss them. If anyone interested in having such a discussion, I would be happy to have it either off-line or in the "Off Topic" folder.)

But having said that, I figured that I would throw out the idea in case there were a less squeamish author who, unlike me, could come up with a satisfactory solution to the situation posed.
