I'm up for a go.

I have a list, however, my is boy, girl, boy, girl, etc, so, most of these would be really...interesting.

I'm going to try and answer each one.

Q1 will be interesting, as it is two females, so I think I'll have them compete for partners.

Q2 Three men and a lady go camping...

Q3 This one would require some really deep thinking. Could become a whole big story, if I play it write.

Q4 This is going to be sooo hilarious, I should start with it first.

Q5 This one I will have to change, a smidge. Let's say that #5 and #3 can't stand each other and that the love in question is Philia instead of Eros...

James, who needs to get his creative juices flowing...

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!