13. There are often sonic booms to be heard, but no military planes to be seen.

14. You often catch him peeking over his glasses.

15. He knows about your family problems without you ever telling him.

16. He's a member of many obscure clubs (like the Cheese of the Month Club).

17. He claims to visit his dentist, but you never see him there.

18. He reproaches you for cursing - even if you did so in Chinese or Korean.

19. He tells you to eat leaves for high blood pressure.

20. There are no dust bunnies under his couch - or anywhere else for that matter.

21. Although he eats like an eight-year-old, he looks like Mr. Hardbody.

22. He can take the wrath of Lois Lane and even smile about it.

Can't think of more right now. smile

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)