I noticed this was never finished... perhaps there are some Folcs out there who are willing to participate... laugh
The rules can be found in the first post.

The story so far:

Lois took aim and hurled her purse at Clark just as it exploded! She ducked as a lipstick shot towards her.

"Dr Klein's paying for that! You okay Clark? Sorry about that, it's a new snap-trap Bernie helped me design."

Clark's Armani suit was smoldering "Needs work," he grumbled, looking at his ruined outfit.

"Let's help Jimmy clean his blue suit and leave before Luthor sees his favorite lipstick shade on your lips."

Lois noticed his torn sleeve.

"Clark, what is that under your shirt?" she asked, curiously.

"Ah, I think the lipstick must've-"

"No, that blue fabric."

"Oh that? That is my backup wardrobe in case something burns my suit and I-"

"Mrs. Lois Klein?" a voice interrupted from behind them.


"Mrs. KLEIN??" Lois interrupted, indignant. "Not since I married Lex!"

"Nor since she married me." said Jimmy.

Clark gaped stupidly as Lois shot Jimmy, "Liar!"

"Didn't last night mean anything to you?" Clark asked, pained.

"Last night?" Lois shouted completely outraged at Perry's inability to keep his mouth closed. She wished she hadn't cleaned Perry's
bathroom, since she'd promised Clark she'd sleep with him before she was forced to take out the garbage.

"Okay everyone, out!!!" Towing Clark towards the window, she asked, "You coming?"

"Actually, Lois, I'd prefer not to jump to my death or land in a dumpster."

"It's all or nothing farmboy!" she purred, stroking his chest.

"What do you mean, Lois?"

"Just that I know you're an incredible skydiver and I know you've got your wind-proof jacket with the built-in parachute-"

Clark interrupted her by kissing his knuckles, which confused her.

"Clark what's that on your pants?" then gleefully "Oh, wow, I've never seen anything that-" Turning blue Lois collapsed. Dead!

So Clark flew against time by circling Earth at hyperspeed, ending up stranded on Krypton.

"Alway works in movies," he grumbled staring confusedly at the Red sun. A massive quake shook the ground beneath him.

"Fine! What else could go wrong!" He screamed at the Universe! In answer Scardino appeared.

"Hello, I am God." he boomed.

"Urgh! I'm in Hell!"

A lightening bolt zaps Scardino, right after passing through Clark, and both died.

Clark woke up screaming.

"Honey...?" Lois asked running her fingers up his thigh and under his pink tutu before he shrieked again, noticing his attire.

"Dance again Clark. Please." Lois breathed huskily. "You are already warmed up. I made sure the female LnC fans arrived with their cheerleader pom-poms to watch and cheer you on."

Clark woke screaming! Kryptonite, Rum and cheese made dangerous bedfellows. A forcefull knock at his window made Clark wonder who wanted him dead, again! Exasperated he got up from his bed and went to let Ultra Woman in.

"Now what?" he asked as he fixed her tie. Knowing that it would make her
purr like a contented kitten
