See Woody - I think that's part of the point smile . I'm horrid at action and generally put something like "several minutes later, the bad guys were tied up, the kryptonite was in a lead lined case on it's way to the sun and lois and clark were looking pleased with themselves". That's when I have an A plot of any kind.

However, I like to think I can write some decent revelations and/or comedy so together, in theory, we could have an action packed comedic revelation smile .

Carol [who is typing one handed hence the only sometimes caps and who should be getting her new computer tonight - if tornadoes don't hit sw missouri - well some have already hit but not near me but more are coming... okay by not near i mean like 30-35 miles so close - in my county even, but I'm on the far southwest border and the tornado reports are in the far northeast section]