Possibly aka another crazy idea of mine? We shall see. We all know and love the fact that there are many togom fan fic's, awesome rewrites of the hideous clone arc that we all know those L and C writers must have been CRAZY for coming up with, and so forth. But what about lesser "celebrated eps?" I had the thought that perhaps after we finish our current game of "Guess the Author" maybe we could start a new one of sorts.

Here's what I was thinking, first off all we'd need an even number of folcs to participate. Then myself and or whoever else wanted to help would write down half of the names on a piece of paper and number them. Then we'd take 4 scraps of paper and write S1, S2, S3, and S4 on them. With me so far? smile Separately since each season had 22 episodes in it we'd you got it, write down #'s 1-22 on little scraps of paper and put them all in the proverbial hat or maybe for us cape? ; smile Once all that writing is down it's time to start drawing and matching people up. We'd first pick from the 4 season piles. Say I picked the piece of paper on which season 2 was written. You know what let me make up a pretend list it'll be easier (for me to explain)

Solely to make this easier for both you reading me typing to undertsanding let's pretend that the following people were interested in playing. I hope none of you mind my using your name as an example, completely who I can remember at this very moment!

1. Sue
2. gra8shadesofelvis
3. Laura

Okay. so to start, I would pick the season that Sue andher later partner would be writing from. So I said I drew season 2 and then went on to pick, episode 11. (I have no clue btw what that is right now just thought 11). Okay I looked it's Chi of Steel. Thus that would be Sue's episode to change, rewrite altogether or create a fic out of however she and whoever pleased. So then I'd do the same thing for gra8shades and Laura.

The other 3 people let's say are Lab Rat, TOC, and myself. I'd use the 1-3 pieces of paper of episodes numbers to figure out who gets paired up with whom. That way it is all completely random and perhaps all of us get to either make a new folc friend or reaquaint ourselves with an old one.

Anyone want to try?
