What if he lived for four hundred years? Five? A millennium or two? According to ‘Soul Mates,’ their souls are intertwined and always seem to find each other, so where does that leave Lois’s poor little soul? Will she be ‘reincarnated’ during Clark’s lifetime?
I've seen this in various stories throughout the archive and as cited above, is what Nan's "Home" series is all about.

What I haven't seen before is the converse. What if when Lois finally dies (whether her life span is extended by close proximity to Clark's aura or not), will Clark's soul follow hers into death not long after so that they can be reincarnated together into the next existence? Don't know if there's much of a story in that unless it's used as proof to Alt-Clark that his Lois is still alive.

One other thought for Lara:
I've thought about sticking Lois's soul inside Bruce Wayne and Clark's in Catwoman, but that would be silly since I wouldn't need Lois to be a man in a situation where one of the characters is a woman. Not to mention the only thing I can think of doing with Tempus is turning him into Joker - which, OMG, is a perfect fit! - and he's certainly not interested in Catwoman OR Batman and I still have no idea what to do with Robin at all in this.
Well, there's always Jimmy. And who better to play Commissioner Gordan than Perry? laugh