OK... guys, this is the thing.

I tried to write a Batman/Robin crossover with Soul Mates thing. I really, *really* tried. I've got a couple pages of it written, even, and they're pretty funny, too. But I can't get the story passed the point where Lois and Clark find themselves inside Batman and Robin's bodies. I can't because no matter how I try to twist and turn it, the curse involves them "consummating" their relationship and... I mean, I know there are jokes and innuendos and some people have been debating this idea for years, but I cannot write a story that would have the Dark Knight be in that sort of a relationship with the Boy Wonder. Had it been two other (and completely unknown) men, I probably could have written it. But these two, I'm sorry, I just can't.

I've thought about sticking Lois's soul inside Bruce Wayne and Clark's in Catwoman, but that would be silly since I wouldn't need Lois to be a man in a situation where one of the characters is a woman. Not to mention the only thing I can think of doing with Tempus is turning him into Joker - which, OMG, is a perfect fit! - and he's certainly not interested in Catwoman OR Batman and I still have no idea what to do with Robin at all in this.

So... unless someone has a really bright idea, these few pages will most likely never be part of a finished story.

I'm sorry. frown

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies