It's only a drabble, but be kind. It's my first attempt at writing anything Lois and Clark. /me covers eyes and clicks the "post" button.

Pandora's Box

Always curious, her questions drove her relentlessly to discover truth. But everything changed when she fell in love. He discovered her secret desires and used her curiosity to satisfy his own lust for power.

Now, her fingers trembled as they slid over her triumph, his perfect form hidden from her gaze by only the green, translucent casing. His glass tomb embodied years of research, her efforts fulfilled with its restorative capabilities. It was time – time to conquer death and release her beloved. Gretchen threw the switch and smiled as the box opened, unleashing misery upon mankind.

Lex Luthor lives again!


ETA: Gah! I knew I'd obsess about the word order. I edited to rearrange it a bit. blush