So cute. I like all of them.

Lara, I really like the way yours clips so well to the context while still conveying Lois' state of mind. In 100 words it's a vignette that feels really complete (we know what we know...). I can really see it and I like that despairing mood. *shrug*

Jojo, I love how you work in the time and her thinking it's too late. That "glare" of the clock really fits well. Then there's the whole sexiness of the fantasy, but that might be my gutterbrain talking.

Nancy you mention Mayaguez! That gets me oh my gosh. That city is close to my heart, imagine my shock when I saw the name. I love how you weave in his thoughts with the flying and the time. Kinda surreal, I never thought about it but yeah time is interesting when you can get from one side of the world to the next in seconds/minutes.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan