Paulsome of those pics were to disturbing for words but overall they were pretty funny.

This challenge is great. I know if Superman grew up with my family he would be very very different, probably tramatized beyond repair (or maybe thats a genetic thing with us).
Probably not quite as ethical but the nature thing could be argued I guess.
The costume would be different, we would all convince him to wear a mask, no one would allow him to mix primary colors like that and I know my borther we not let him be seen in public with tights, to hell with wind resistance.
He would definetly not be as naive regardless weather his naivete is a result of his krytonian heritage you just cant be naive in my family, they wont allow it.

Actually if superman grew up in my family he wouldnt be superman really he'd be more like batman with superpowers and without the bat theme.

Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.