Once again, here I am, showing up late. And now pretty much everything I wanted to say has been said. I'll repeat some of it, though.

This was hilarious, CC. You knew that, right? Just in case you'd missed everyone else saying it, I'll make sure by saying it, too.

I absolutely love Lois's introspection here. Very Lois, and very amusing.

Great revelation, too. Who says there are no new revelations?

And, wow. I think you could actually maybe sort of get me to consider the possibility that I might someday meet a cat I'd actually like. How's that for high praise?

Great ending, too, but I'm torn. The alternate you mentioned sounds really fun.

In any case, I think I mentioned this before, but I'll say it here because it needs to be said. I'm honored to have been confused with this story. Talking to Sara on IRC, I had to keep myself from saying something like "but, Sara, I don't write that well..."

Great job, CC.

But, as they say, you're only as good as your next story. What do you have waiting for us next? I want more!


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.