Loved it, CC! So fun rotflol and sweet! rotflol rotflol rotflol My absolute favourite. It still pops in my mind every so often and makes me laugh!!

Who? Who was not in love with Clark?! And really, how dare they not be? She wasn’t interested in him, herself, of course. But that was because she had...Him. Still, there was practically nothing wrong with Clark, and once she had borrowed the globe and gotten away, she would put in a good word for him to...whomever...

The cat eyed her skeptically. But what did it know? She was perfectly capable of doing nice things. Lois stuck her tongue out at it.
rotflol Typical Lois thinking! rotflol

“I know, Mom....No, really, I do know. Yes, he is me. I am him. There is no difference-”

Lois exchanged a puzzled look with the cat. What do you make of that? she asked it silently. Some kind of new age philosophy? All are One, or something like that?
rotflol rotflol My brother also liked that, which makes it three out of five members of my family - the other two didn't get to listen to that. So, I'd say you have excellent statistics smile

Oh, poor Clark. The woman who didn’t love him had eyes for someone else. She really ought to be nicer to him, Lois decided right there under his bed. Tomorrow at work, she would bring him coffee.

“Ok, ok. He technically is me....No, I do not have a split personality. I know exactly who I am...Mom, can we not go over this again? We both end up confused.”

Poor Clark. So messed up. Identity crisis. She would bring him a donut with that coffee. Maybe even the best one from the batch. Or the second best one.
rotflol rotflol rotflol

Oh - and, why I guessed it was you? As I've already said, it kinda reminded me of 'Lois Unbuttoned'. Same twisted sense of humour laugh

See ya + keep writing,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...