I just have to jump in and say that I recently caught up with this story, and as always, it's loaded with so much humour and sweetness that is just so..so...Mary.

Feel a bit sorry for Lois now, though. Or should I say Jimmy? I can just imagine Lois dashing off to the bathroom just as Jimmy puts his arm around her shoulders and say, "Yeah, we're pretty serious" in front of his buddy. I guess he'll jump to his own conclusions that *Jimmy's* the father of the baby: "Way to go, Jimbo!" Maybe Jimmy should consider using one of his sick days after that. <g>

Anyway, post part 11 soon!!!!! So, if that takes Julie to post part 3 of "Dude, Where's My Cape" and someone to volunteer for the other round robin, Sue Marie & Clark... I'll write part 2. If I just manage to get out of my writer's block. Fine. I'm desperate getting to read the next part of this, so I plead temporary insanity. Oh, boy.


Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay