Okay, okay, enough already, I give up. I'll write it.

So, without further ado...

Lois' Little Problem
by Tank

Lois Lane had a grim look on her face when she came off the elevator and moved toward her desk. Typically, before she'd even gotten her chair seat warm, both Clark and Jimmy were hovering next to her desk. Great, now she supposed she have to tell them, or she wouldn't get any peace.

"So, Lois, how did your doctor's appointment go?" She gave Clark credit. He may only have been her partner for a few months, but he did look concerned. "Did he know why you've been feeling poorly?"

Lois nodded. "Yeah, I've got endosomethingorother. If I don't take steps to alleviate the problem I could die."

"Gosh!" added Jimmy with his typical brilliance.

"So," Clark began. "What do you have to do?"

Lois frowned as she gazed at her handsome partner, and burgeoning friend. "The doctor says that the best course of action would be for me to get pregnant."

Clark looked shocked. Jimmy's jaw dropped. "Golly, Lois, what are you going to do?"

It was funny that Lois had never realized how annoying Jimmy's voice was before. In answer to his question, she shrugged. "Nothing."

"What?" both men exclaimed in unison.

"Let's face it." Lois spoke in a calm, level tone. "I'd rather die than have to deal with children." She turned away and booted up her computer. "Now, can we get back to work?"

the end.

Tank (who says there is nothing like a happy ending)