(AWESOME challenge, Lynn--I had SO MUCH fun writing this! LOL) - If you don't count the heading it's 100 words exactly. -W.D.

A Super Hot Drabble
by Wanda Detroit
rated: PG-13

Lois sighed musically, reclining back on the rumpled satiny sheets. Her hair was spread artfully across the pillow, and her eyes burned into his, screaming come-hither, take me NOW.

Clark stood over her, eying her gauzy gown that did little to conceal her exquisite flesh. His shirt was open, revealing the most incredible muscles she had ever seen. He soon joined Lois on the bed, his heart pounding with anticipation--

Clark’s voice scared her out of her wits. “What are you working on?”

Lois clapped her palm over the screen. “It’s my latest novel, and NO, you cannot read it!”

"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.