I find it absolutely hilarious how many women can relate to this story. Congratuations, Chris, for hitting this one right on the head. LOL! (And double LOL for your "true story" that this was based on. How bad could it have really been?? Wait, maybe you shoudln't answer that ... wink )

My own experience in the matter comes not from a cut (oh, I had one just like yours, but it was all my own fault since I told her I wanted it really short in back; what I hadn't expected was to come out looking like a boy) but from color. A week before a friend's wedding, my stylist must have had a brain tumor cut out with a butter knife because she tweaked my formula in a most unpleasant way. Instead of the wonderful auburn color I liked so much, I came out looking like Peg Bundy. (Think brassy, redder than red .. truly cheap and hideous.) I washed it as many times as I could in the few days I had left, with as strong of shampoo as I could find, in hopes of toning down the color. I thought I had succeeded pretty well ... until we got to the wedding and a friend of my husband's looked at my hair, smiled, and said, "So ... did you mean to do that?"

Ah, men. wink
