Blame me? Blame me? Why would you blame me? Now, if you want to give me credit... :p

And ROTFL! This was wonderful!!!!

There are so many lines I loved.
...began to think that maybe all that family garbage might actually not be garbage after all.
LOL That was hilarious and so totally Lois!

At least the shouting was therapeutic. I felt much better after that.
<snork> ROTFL I love it!

I, as one of her clients, got past on to Patricia.
-- Not sure if this is a typo or a UK/US difference. Past vs passed? I would say past is a noun or a preposition and passed is the past tense of to pass.

And I love how Clark is supportive and complimentary while Perry is supportive and sorry. It's a perfect balance and I think she needed them both. And ending on "Eventually" is just the perfect end. Balance of humour and the pain of a bad haircut.

I'm loving these!!!


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.