Lois & Clark Forums

Very cute!

SOOO the way Lois thinks.

(Though I do think these should go in the Challenge folder)

Chris, this is hilarious!! You are so good at these short, funny fics - please write more!! smile1
Oh, a story we can relate to laugh Finding the perfect hairdresser wink

She could always think of getting a male hairstylist, although the shortest cut I ever had was from a guy at Nordstroms...That can be a shock eek

Thanks, Chris

Very funny! Poor Lois... but she's so right; finding a new hairstylist is an awful trial-and-error process. I felt her pain.

Her hair cut at the end, though... well, it looks pretty good on my husband <g>

ROTFLMAO, Chris!! rotflol Hilarious! You did a wonderful job with first person; your style makes it witty and funny and so completely in character!

Thanks for sharing!

Kaethel smile

At least the shouting was therapeutic.
ROTFL! laugh
Okay, this is the one I read first.

It was cute and funny, and it pegged Lois' character right on. (the idea of children though was quite depressing).

I imagine there is a certain comfort level that a woman gets with a stylist over time. It's not something I can relate very well to since I haven't had a haircut by the same person in about four years (just had one today!), ever since my former barber quit to become a mailman.

Tank the Retired (who does plan to send a copy of this fic to Chris' stylist)
LOL, Chris smile That was so funny jump .

- Alicia

Good work, Chris - I can totally relate to Lois in this one, as I have yet to have a regular hairstylist. At least ever since my sister moved away. She knew exactly how to cut my hair - now I have to explain it to everybody every time. And here in Korea, with the language barrier, that's HARD... Although, there's a lady up the street who did a good, inexpensive job last time, and I need a haircut before the new term begins, so...

Melisma (ducking back under her Rock before she starts babbling again like Lois...)

Wow do I relate to this post. laugh

Very funny, very true and very Lois. And also somewhat biographical about my own life .. frightening ...

With work like this, how can Tank even contemplating retiring?

Elle (who thinks Tank is kind of like the Michael Jordan of FOLC ... he just keeps coming back for more farewell tours)
This is so funny! laugh

Happened to me once, too! My husband kept telling me I looked great but still I wouldn't come out of the house for at least a week! help

Christine wave

A great story! Just hilarious!
ROTFL!! dizzy

Thanks for sharing this very funny story. I enjoyed it immensely.

Tricia cool
Blame me? Blame me? Why would you blame me? Now, if you want to give me credit... :p

And ROTFL! This was wonderful!!!!

There are so many lines I loved.
...began to think that maybe all that family garbage might actually not be garbage after all.
LOL That was hilarious and so totally Lois!

At least the shouting was therapeutic. I felt much better after that.
<snork> ROTFL I love it!

I, as one of her clients, got past on to Patricia.
-- Not sure if this is a typo or a UK/US difference. Past vs passed? I would say past is a noun or a preposition and passed is the past tense of to pass.

And I love how Clark is supportive and complimentary while Perry is supportive and sorry. It's a perfect balance and I think she needed them both. And ending on "Eventually" is just the perfect end. Balance of humour and the pain of a bad haircut.

I'm loving these!!!


And I've had both a Sandy and a Felicity for hair-dressers - current one is named Fran, and is so far the best. laugh

Jill goofy
You know, I'm terrified by how many of you can relate to this. I hadn't realised that it was such a common experience.

I almost posted in the story the infamous words: "Based on a true story".

The whole porcupine bit is something that happened to me last September. I went into work the following Monday and people's reactions were... extreme, to say the least. Best of all was the professor who gawked at me when he first saw me, then took four days to summon up the courage to actually say anything. At that point, unable to restrain himself any further, he put his arm around me and offered his heartfelt condolences. He then proceeded to talk about work for ten minutes, and repeated the procedure.

I think he was more traumatised by the experience than I was.

So, Tank, feel free to track down my hair stylist and tell her... if you can. However, it isn't, for reasons that you will now understand, much of a threat. I've since changed salons, and I've now found a he who seems pretty competent.

Oh, and in case any of you are wondering, I didn't need another hair cut until January.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you all liked this!

Now, what on earth can I find to do for an encore????

Chris, fantastic! I too can relate, I went from waist length hair to almost a buzz... I asked for a trim to the healthy parts... the woman who cut it had some very strong convictions to where healthy started... I did not yell... I cried!
very cute
I find it absolutely hilarious how many women can relate to this story. Congratuations, Chris, for hitting this one right on the head. LOL! (And double LOL for your "true story" that this was based on. How bad could it have really been?? Wait, maybe you shoudln't answer that ... wink )

My own experience in the matter comes not from a cut (oh, I had one just like yours, but it was all my own fault since I told her I wanted it really short in back; what I hadn't expected was to come out looking like a boy) but from color. A week before a friend's wedding, my stylist must have had a brain tumor cut out with a butter knife because she tweaked my formula in a most unpleasant way. Instead of the wonderful auburn color I liked so much, I came out looking like Peg Bundy. (Think brassy, redder than red .. truly cheap and hideous.) I washed it as many times as I could in the few days I had left, with as strong of shampoo as I could find, in hopes of toning down the color. I thought I had succeeded pretty well ... until we got to the wedding and a friend of my husband's looked at my hair, smiled, and said, "So ... did you mean to do that?"

Ah, men. wink

Oi is there a club or something for this LOL? Chris, you're story rocked. And I'm not sure what my hair-stylist is thinking when she does my hair, but if I say I want just a little bit more off than usual, she chops off like 4 inches instead of like 2.5. I'm dreading tomorrow...I'm going to get my hair highlighted again, only I'm going to tell her I want it A LITTLE BIT lighter than last time. I bet I'll come out like bleach blonde or something LOL.
goofy )

At least the shouting was therapeutic.
This was funny in its own right, but it also reminded me of that ad for Yellow Pages, with the guy yelling at the hairdresser so that his sister won't figure out he decimated her young daughter's hair, which always has me in fits of laughter.


LabRat (thanking all these authors for providing nice easy, bite-sized fic to read in my break from writing...)
Loved this! It had me rotflol ! It seems as tho I'm one of a very select minority who do not have hair dresser horror stories. Thank goodness! laugh

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