Anna, I'm sorry if I had you worried about my confusion! Irene's explanation made perfect sense to me. I was trying to be logical, but irrationality makes things soooo much easier. goofy This is actually a long standing pet-peeve of mine; there are too many times in the show when LnC are rescued not by their own intelligence, but by the villains' stupidity. (Out of film? Back of the camera opened? Sound familiar?) So Lois trying to think of some chink in Denzler's armor, and finding none, was great.

I've never heard of methohexital. Could you enlighten this poor ignorant rabbit? Fast working, apparently, but also not for very long, if Lois is already conscious when Juliana gets shoved into the car with her.

Poor Clark, forced to delay a super-rescue because Earl drags him into a taxi! I suppose you'll make Tank happy by making them too late to rescue anyone - or at least Juliana, although Lois will somehow have to cut her hair to get free - thereby teaching Clark never to make friends with anyone, since it puts either his secret or his ability to rescue others at risk.

...Or not. At least, I hope so. goofy

Looking forward to MORE, soon!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827